The most important advantage of getting a payday loans through direct lenders is that your personal information is much secured, as there are only few people who have access to such information. All the personal information is deal with great care and it is not leaked out at any point of time to other lending institutions. The best part is that the entire procedure or process could be done online, right from the submission of online application till the transfer of money to your bank account electronically. Direct payday lenders do offer cash loans upto $1500 without any paper work or procedures. Unlike other payday loans, the rate of interest is quite low with these lenders, due to the absence of the third party or the brokers. Repayment has to be made either through post dated checks or by electronically transferring the amount. Failing to make the payment on time, would make you spend more on extra charges and penalties that would be charged by the lender.

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